১৬ই সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০২৪ খ্রিস্টাব্দ, দুপুর ২:১৮

BIG FM 92.7 Tamil

Dhun Badal ke toh Dekho

About : BIG FM 92.7 Tamil

92.7 Big FM has indeed made significant strides in the Indian radio industry since its inception in 2006. Its widespread coverage and dedicated frequency allocation make it easily accessible to listeners across the country, contributing to its popularity and reach.

With its focus on live Bollywood music and folk music, 92.7 Big FM taps into the pulse of Indian musical culture, offering listeners a diverse range of tunes to enjoy around the clock. This musical repertoire not only entertains but also fosters a sense of cultural unity and pride among its listeners.

What sets 92.7 Big FM apart is its commitment to social responsibility and making a positive impact on society. The station’s creators have set a lofty goal of improving thinking and making the world a better place through their programming. This ethos is reflected in the content of its popular programs like Abbys, New York Festival, and Emvies, which often address social issues, promote awareness, and inspire positive change.

By blending entertainment with a social conscience, 92.7 Big FM has carved a unique niche for itself in the Indian radio landscape, resonating with listeners who seek not only music but also meaningful content that stimulates thought and reflection.

Address : Maharashtra, Mumbai, India

Language : Tamil,

Genre : Bollywood, Indian music

Frequency : 92.7 FM

First Air Date : ০৮/০৯/২০০৬

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BIG FM 92.7 Tamil

Dhun Badal ke toh Dekho

About : BIG FM 92.7 Tamil

92.7 Big FM has indeed made significant strides in the Indian radio industry since its inception in 2006. Its widespread coverage and dedicated frequency allocation make it easily accessible to listeners across the country, contributing to its popularity and reach.

With its focus on live Bollywood music and folk music, 92.7 Big FM taps into the pulse of Indian musical culture, offering listeners a diverse range of tunes to enjoy around the clock. This musical repertoire not only entertains but also fosters a sense of cultural unity and pride among its listeners.

What sets 92.7 Big FM apart is its commitment to social responsibility and making a positive impact on society. The station’s creators have set a lofty goal of improving thinking and making the world a better place through their programming. This ethos is reflected in the content of its popular programs like Abbys, New York Festival, and Emvies, which often address social issues, promote awareness, and inspire positive change.

By blending entertainment with a social conscience, 92.7 Big FM has carved a unique niche for itself in the Indian radio landscape, resonating with listeners who seek not only music but also meaningful content that stimulates thought and reflection.

Address : Maharashtra, Mumbai, India

Language : Tamil,

Genre : Bollywood, Indian music

Frequency : 92.7 FM

First Air Date : ০৮/০৯/২০০৬

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